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The Rising Sun Hotel2 Raglan Street, South Melbourne. Phone 9696 2411.

Not that I’m in to Footy, but this venue is also the home of the Sydney Swans.


Jazz on Tuesdays: Down Beat Big Band. 7.30pm - 10.30pm

Jazz on Thursdays: JOE RUBERTO TRIO, with special guests each week. 6.30pm-9.30pm Bookings essential to ensure a seat

August Guest Artists:

August14: Ruby Page


Trad Jazz on  Sundays: Different Trad Bands each week. 2.30pm - 5.30pm
August Bands:
August 10th: Shirazz (6 piece band)
August 17th: Joe's Raglan St Rascals (yes this is Joe Ruberto)
August 24th: Mike's Retro Five = Michael McQuaid - trumpet, reeds//Jason Downes - reeds//Liam O'Connell - banjo, guitar//Leigh Barker - bass, sousaphone//TBA - drums/vocals
August 31st: Virus = Ben Gillespie- trombone & vocals//Mark Elton- double bass & vocals//Craig Fermanis- guitar//Lynn Wallis- drums




The Royal Brighton Yacht Club - 253 Esplanade, Middle Brighton. Phone 9592 3092.

August 31st, "Jazz By The Sea" 12:30pm - 3:30pm


The Royal Brighton Yacht Club which offers the most fabulous views over  the picturesque Port Phillip Bay and the City is in a premier location alongside the Brighton Pier. The club has a proud history stretching back to its establishment in 1875 and is  firmly dedicated to promoting the sport of sailing with active programs in racing, cruising, women’s, youth and junior sailing.





Pescare Restaurant  - Shop 4,  289 Springvale Rd, Glen Waverley. Phone 9560 4088. www.pescare
















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